Wednesday 13 February 2008


Dorothy Gibbs said...

Gorgeous Gill.. is it an amarylis?

mycamerandme365 said...

Looks like an Amarylis/Hippeastrum to me. I never know which it's supposed to be called.

Gill said...

Spot on, both of you - it was a Christmas present from Mark's cousin and though I've given them as presents before, I've never grown one myself. I was amazed at the speed it shot up and the four blooms are simply magnificent. Not only that, I've just spotted a second shoot coming up.
Shall grow one of these again.

Dorothy Gibbs said...

Hi Gill,
You can keep these from year to year if you wish. Just keep watering while in flower, then let it die down naturally. Cut the dead leaves off and store it in it's pot on it's side until the end of the year when you can start it off again.